For the well-being of the community during COVID-19. A culture of safety, accountability, and responsibility to one another is essential as the Castleton University community addresses the challenges posed by COVID-19. I therefore commit to protect myself, others, and the community. TO PROTECT MYSELF, I WILL: • Monitor myself for COVID-19 symptoms and take necessary precautions (such as self-isolating, and consulting with a health care provider if experiencing them.) COVID 19 symptoms include: - Fever or chills - Coughing - Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing - New or unusual fatigue, headaches, or body aches - Loss of taste/smell - Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea - Congestion, runny nose, or a sore throat. • Wash or sanitize my hands frequently • Consult with my healthcare provider if I am considered by the Centers for Disease Control to be at higher risk for severe illness due to COVID-19 TO PROTECT OTHERS, I WILL: • Always follow appropriate social distancing practices, including in the classroom • Wear a face covering as directed by the University • Comply with all isolation and quarantine procedures as directed by the Vermont Department of Health and the University TO PROTECT THE COMMUNITY, I WILL: • Complete all required COVID-19 safety trainings • Participate in COVID-19 mandated testing and health screening protocols, such as daily temperature and symptom checks, and cooperate with all contact tracing efforts • Comply with all other COVID-19 policies and expectations, including but not limited to those pertaining to campus visitors, off-campus travel, social gatherings, and other group activities • Respectfully remind others of safety expectations and be respectful of others if they remind me • Follow all COVID-19 instructions and signage • Comply with related directives by state, federal, or University officials should they become necessary I understand that complying with the expectations outlined above helps protect our entire community. My disregarding of these expectations and requirements exposes the community to elevated risk and is contrary to our community standards of cultivating respect and responsibility for self and others in our shared environment. Non-compliance with these expectations may therefore be addressed through Castleton University student conduct and/or personnel policies and procedures as applicable.